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100 Boer, Kiko, Savanna (Savannah), Spanish – Does
100 head of Crossbred Kiko, Boer, Savanna and Spanish Does. 2-4 yrs old. Good bags and feet.
100 head of Crossbred Kiko, Boer, Savanna and Spanish Does. 2-4 yrs old. Good bags and feet. They are just out doing their jobs. They are currently running with Spanish, Kiko, and Boer Bucks. Will consider selling them in smaller groups. Asking $225 a head for choice. $200 a head if you take all 100. Call if interested. Delivery available for a fee.
Crossbred / Purebred: Crossbred
Breed: Boer,Kiko,Savanna (Savannah),Spanish