Phone: +1(401)308-3464

100 Frypan W/ 3 Free Ducks
No Choice of breed and these are all cockerels of Heavy Breed Chicks (Heritage male poultry) includes *3 Free Ducks of our heaviest males ducks that are available that date will be sent. Photos are some of the birds you may receive.
No Choice of breed and these are all cockerels of Heavy Breed Chicks (Heritage male poultry) includes *3 Free Ducks of our heaviest males ducks that are available that date will be sent. Photos are some of the birds you may receive. Generally these old time heritage breed male roosters take 4-5 months to reach 5-6 pounds of live weight. They do not have the growth rate as the modern day broilers and take a longer time to harvest weight. They will have a lean meat and not the legs and/or heart issues that some of the modern day broilers have. No refunds or reships on free ducks.