Phone: +1(401)308-3464

100 Frypan w/5 Free Exotic Chicks
No Choice of breed and these are all cockerels of Heavy Breed Chicks (Heritage Male poultry) including 5 Exotic Chicks free. Photos are some of the birds you may receive. Generally these old time heritage breed male roosters take 4-5 months to reach 5-6 pounds of live weight.
No Choice of breed and these are all cockerels of Heavy Breed Chicks (Heritage Male poultry) including 5 Exotic Chicks free. Photos are some of the birds you may receive. Generally these old time heritage breed male roosters take 4-5 months to reach 5-6 pounds of live weight. They do not have the growth rate as the modern day broilers and take a longer time to harvest weight. They will have a lean meat and not the legs and/or heart issues that some of the modern day broilers have.