Phone: +1(401)308-3464

Austra White Chicken
Our Austra Whites are a cross between one of our best Hatchery® production/bloodlines of Black Australorp rooster and one of our best Hatchery® production/bloodlines of White Leghorn hens (parent stock). They were first developed in the early 1900’s.
Our Austra Whites are a cross between one of our best Hatchery® production/bloodlines of Black Australorp rooster and one of our best Hatchery® production/bloodlines of White Leghorn hens (parent stock). They were first developed in the early 1900’s. This cross produces offspring that are very good layers throughout the year and lay a very light brown to off white egg shell color egg. The Austra White pullet will be white with little black specks in some feathers. This cross is considered to be a heavier breed and their disposition is calmer than the pure Leghorn chicken breed. There are many benefits to raising baby chickens from this cross. These hens will lay a lot of large eggs; have good feed to egg production ratios and good for chickens for backyards. Raising chickens for eggs at home can be fun and relaxing. Free range chicken eggs are great tasting eggs and this hybrid chicken breed has good reflexes for predator avoidance, however, they are white and easily seen.
Breed Facts
- Poultry Show Class: Not applicable
- Weights: Hen—–5 lbs
Rooster——6 1/2 lbs
Pullet—4 1/2 lbs
Cockerel—-5 1/2 lbs - Purpose and Type: Primary production, Egg Laying & Pet/Secondary meat source
- Egg Shell Color: Very light brown to off white egg shell color
- Egg Production: 220-280 eggs per year (estimates only, see FAQ)
- Egg Size: Large
- Temperament: Active
- Gender Accuracy: 80-85%
- Fertility Percentage: 65-80%
- Broody: Non Setter
- Mating Ratio: 12 Females to 1 Males
- Roost Height: 4 to 8 feet
- Country of Origin: Hybrid
- APA: No
- TLC: No
- BREEDER FARM SOURCE: Hatchery® Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline or strain of Austra White since 1939.