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Blue Standard Old English
If you’ve been looking for the perfect Old English game fowl to take home, the professionals at Hatchery® are here to help. We’ve been developing several different varieties of this chicken for more than 30 years, including the Blue Standard Old English.
If you’ve been looking for the perfect Old English game fowl to take home, the professionals at Hatchery® are here to help. We’ve been developing several different varieties of this chicken for more than 30 years, including the Blue Standard Old English. This specific variety features black-slate colored legs, a straight comb, and a medium/high station. These birds live long, are very hardy, and make great brooding mothers. Whether you want a standard sized chicken or one of our miniature versions, you can place your order today! Feel free to contact Hatchery® if you would like any more information. This is an excellent choice for someone to have a free-range flock of poultry (1 male and 10 hens). This flock will have a better chance of evading predators than most other poultry breeds. The hens make good brooding mothers for sitting on the eggs and hatching the baby chicks and raising them.
Breed Facts
- Poultry Show Class: All Other Standard Breeds, Game Class
- Weights – Hen ——- 4 lbs
Rooster——5 lbs
Pullet——-3 1/2 lbs
Cockerel—–4 lbs - Purpose – Egg Laying; Exhibition
- Egg Shell Color – Cream or Tinted
- Egg Production – poor – 120 eggs per year
- Egg Size: Small-Medium
- Temperament: Active/Flighty
- Fertility Percentage: 40-55%
- Broody: Setters
- Mating Ratio: 6 Females to 1 Male
- Roost Height: 4+ feet
- Country of Origin –Europe
- APA: No
- TLC: Yes, Threatened Status. Considered a sustainable heritage chicken breed
- BREEDER FARM SOURCE: “ Hatchery® Poultry Breeding Farm” developing our bloodline or strain of Old English Game Standard Chicken since 1974.