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Brown Leghorn Chicken
Admitted to the American Standard of Perfection in 1874 and originates from Italy, Denmark, and England. The Leghorn breed of chicken is very athletic, mature early, are hardy, non-sitters and lay very nice large/X large white eggs.
Admitted to the American Standard of Perfection in 1874 and originates from Italy, Denmark, and England. The Leghorn breed of chicken is very athletic, mature early, are hardy, non-sitters and lay very nice large/X large white eggs. Leghorns are good layers of white eggs, laying an average of 280 per year and sometimes reaching 300–320.They have a good feed-to-egg conversion ratio, needing around 125 grams per day of feed. This chicken breed is great for free range chicken farming or organic free range chicken eggs. Leghorns rarely exhibit broodiness and are thus well suited for uninterrupted egg laying. The Leghorn is a light breed that matures quickly and is not considered a viable meat producer. Leghorns are active and efficient foragers and are one of the best for free range chickens that can avoid predators. They typically avoid human contact and tend to be nervous and flighty. The Brown Leghorn chicken breed is one of many great heritage chicken breeds for sale online at Hatchery®.
Breed Facts
- Poultry Show Class: Mediterranean Class
- Weights: Hen ——-4 1/2 lbs
Rooster—-6 lb
Pullet——-4 lbs
Cockerel—5 lbs - Purpose and Type: Egg Laying; Production
- Egg Shell Color: White
- Egg Production: 220-300 eggs per year (estimates only, see FAQ)
- Egg Size: Large to Extra Large
- Temperament: Very Active
- Gender Accuracy: 80-85%
- Fertility Percentage: 60-75%
- Broody: Non Setter
- Mating Ratio: 12 Females to 1 Male
- Roost Height: 4 to 8 feet
- Country of Origin: Italy
- APA: Yes, Recognized by American Standard of Perfection in 1874.
- TLC: Recovery chicken breed status, Considered a sustainable heritage chicken breed
- BREEDER FARM SOURCE: Hatchery® Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline or strain of pure Brown Leghorn since 1976.