Phone: +1(401)308-3464

Hatchery Surprise
No choice of kind or amount of birds but Hatchery® will guarantee a bargain. You could receive chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guineas, or bantams but there is no guarantee that you will receive all of those.
Like Surprises?
No choice of kind or amount of birds but Hatchery® will guarantee a bargain. You could receive chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guineas, or bantams but there is no guarantee that you will receive all of those. This special consists of whatever we have left over after a day’s hatch, if there are no turkeys, ducks, geese etc, then you may not receive them in your order and could receive chickens only.Generally 40-50 numerous colors, breeds, and “possible” kinds of poultry sent in this fun surprise. We guarantee at least 40 healthy baby poultry on delivery. Please don’t call us to identify the poultry –that is your fun for the next 7 months. Please be prepared for the possible diversity of poultry and their slightly different care needs. You may need 2 small brooders or maybe 3 if you by chance get any waterfowl. Click here to read chick care instructions. Consider making a short YouTube video or taking photos as they grow. Look for ongoing cash prize contests found on Hatchery’s® Facebook page for a contest about the Surprise. There is also a Facebook closed group that you can join called “Cackle Surprise Identification Help”. This group helps others identify their baby poultry in their Hatchery® Surprise. A great deal for baby chicks for sale online cheap. (cheap, cheap)