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Mallard Ducks
Mallards are native to most countries in the Northern Hemispheres. It is thought that all domestic ducks except Muscovy are derived from the wild Mallard, or “Greenhead” as some call them. They are a small, flying duck that is hunted widely. Our Mallards retain this excellent flying ability. In addition, they do an excellent job of hatching and raising one or two broods of ducklings a year. Mallards start to fly for short spurts at 10-12 weeks and are flying very well by 16 weeks. It is also at about 14-16 weeks that the males get their beautiful coloring – prior to that both the males and females are similarly colored in shades of brown.
All domestically hatched Mallard ducklings are required to be identified by US Fish and Wildlife. Our method is to remove a back toe when they hatch. This is an acceptable method by the US Fish and Wildlife and you do not need to do any other marking of our Mallards at any time. This is to show, if you were ever inspected, that the birds were domestically hatched and not taken out of a local marsh.