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Silver Appleyard Ducks
The Silver Appleyard breed was developed by Reginald Appleyard of England in the 1930’s. Among the heavy weight ducks, Silver Appleyards and the Saxony Ducks are considered the most active foragers.
The Silver Appleyard breed was developed by Reginald Appleyard of England in the 1930’s. Among the heavy weight ducks, Silver Appleyards and the Saxony Ducks are considered the most active foragers.
Some claim that the Appleyards have the most flavorful meat of the ducks and they can often hatch and raise their own ducklings. They are reputedly the best egg layers among the heavy weight ducks. We do not recommend our Silver Appleyard for show purposes as we are starting to get females developing dark bills. We are selecting for breed standard and aim to improve this trait in our 2025 breeders.