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White Layer Ducks
Discover the beauty and utility of our White Layer Ducks, renowned for their pristine plumage and exceptional egg-laying capabilities. As a trusted duck hatchery, Metzer Farms proudly sells a line of white ducklings bred specifically for their superior egg production.
- Discover the beauty and utility of our White Layer Ducks, renowned for their pristine plumage and exceptional egg-laying capabilities. As a trusted duck hatchery, Metzer Farms proudly sells a line of white ducklings bred specifically for their superior egg production.
The White Layer Duck was developed several years after the Golden 300 Hybrid Layer Ducks as some of our customers wanted a white egg laying bird. The advantage of the white color to these customers is the embryo is a lighter, yellow color which is preferable to the variety of colors in the Golden 300 embryo for balut production. Balut are duck eggs incubated for 17 days, removed from the incubator, and cooked. This is a delicacy among some Filipinos, Vietnamese, and other Southeast Asia populations.
Our White Layer Duck breed is carefully selected to ensure optimal performance in egg production, making them ideal for both commercial farming and backyard enthusiasts alike. With a focus on genetics and health, our white ducks are bred to thrive in most environments, offering reliability and consistency in egg output. Order now and enhance your flock with Metzer Farms’ White Layer Ducks.
Commercial Meat and Egg Production Brochure
The White Layer has equal egg production to Golden 300 Hybrid Layer Ducks. The only minor difference between it and the Golden 300 Hybrid is that the White Layer lays fewer bluish colored eggs. All the progeny of the White Layer are white.
For us, the White Layer is a calm bird, much like the Buff, Cayuga, and Blue Swedish. However, we have had reports from some (not all) customers that they are a very nervous bird, much like the Khaki Campbell. We cannot explain why some flocks are calm and some are nervous. Our guess is that at some point they were panicked enough that they were permanently traumatized and spent the rest of their lives nervous. We don’t know when ducks are most sensitive to this trauma nor why it happens to some flocks and not others.
If you are interested in producing duck eggs to sell, we recommend you go our Maximizing Duck Egg Production page for more information on this topic.
If you want to find locally produced duck eggs, go to our page Our Customers That Sell Fresh Duck Eggs. If you would like to be placed on this page as a seller of duck eggs, see the requirements on this same page.
Our Breed Comparison chart shows how the White Layer compares to the Khaki Campbell (historically considered the best egg layer) on our farm.